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Oozing quality
I had been looking for a messenger-style bag that could fit my 16 inch macbook pro without being too larg. I have a big chrome citizen messenger, but it's just too massive for taking a laptop and a couple other things to work. I was also considering the timbuk2 classic messengers for a while, but didn't really love the velcro and the plastic buckles were a bit boring. I gave up the search for a few weeks, until I saw a photo of the bairn pro somewhere on instagram. I loved the look of it, and loved the attention to the parts of the bag you interact with the most (i.e. the cobra buckles). Ordered the bairn pro along with a laggan pro and I couldn't be happier. As a taller guy (190cm), the bairn doesn't feel too big at all. It's very much the perfect size for what I need. My macbook pro 16 fits snugly (had to remove my cheap plastic case to make it fit) in the laptop compartment. I have plenty of space for a larger water bottle inside, the relatively large laggan pro, and some large over-ear headphones. The big front pocket is also super useful for random things I have to take to work (i.e. stethoscope, bits and bobs, notebooks). Lastly, the zipper pockets feel nice and are great for your most frequently accessed items. My only complaint would be that the strap isn't at all adjustable on the fly, a feature I love about my chrome industries bag for example. It's wonderful when you can throw a bag over your shoulder and really cinch it down against your body if you're riding a bike or something of that nature. However, I'll forgive it because the strap feels very nice, and the big padding it comes with is very comfortable if you need to load the bag out a bit heavier. All in all, I can only highly recommend this bag. The craftsmanship is the best on any bag I personally own, and I look forward to getting to use it every day!

Buy it for life
These guys are doing the lord’s work. Impeccable construction, top materials, designed intelligently, and comfy. On top of all; it’s hand made in Scotland. Buy it. You won’t regret it. A new lifetime customer.

A perfect companion for daily living.
The perfection in materials and build is so well documented I don’t need to repeat the obvious here. I will say this bag is a perfect size for both casual use or more demanding Carrying duties. The outside zipped pockets are very useful to hold most needed items such as wallet, purse, or passport. I am very much looking forward to using it as a travel bag as I believe it will be perfect. My only criticism is the rather tight side pockets. It will have to be a very small water bottle indeed to fit in them. I use one for holding a small umbrella which works well.

Hergestellt aus strapazierfähigem, trocken gewachstem Canvas. AustriAlpin COBRA Quick Release 25 mm Schnallen als Standard. Das Stärkste und Sicherste der Welt.

Das interne gepolsterte Laptopfach bietet Platz für 15/16-Zoll-Laptops.

Arbeite damit. Gehen Sie damit. Lebe damit.

Hergestellt in Glasgow und in vier Farben erhältlich: Schwarz, Oliv, Whisky und Portwein.
Die perfekte Mischung aus Stil und Funktionalität. Das ultimative Kind.
Ein kompakter, luxuriöser und praktischer Messenger für Pendler.
Unser dienstältestes Design, der Wee Lug, ist für den städtischen Pendler konzipiert.
Volumen (Liter)
Volumen (Liter)
Volumen (Liter)
30 x 38 x 10
26 x 35 x 10
30 x 54 x 17
Abmessungen (cm)
Abmessungen (cm)
Abmessungen (cm)
COBRA-Schnallen als Standard
COBRA-Variante verfügbar
COBRA-Variante verfügbar
Verstellbarer, gepolsterter Schultergurt
Verstellbarer Schultergurt
Verstellbarer, gepolsterter Schultergurt
Innentasche mit Reißverschluss
Innentasche mit Reißverschluss
Innentasche mit Reißverschluss
Außentaschen für Flaschen
Keine Flaschentasche
Interne Flaschentaschen